Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, New Goals

Yokoso 2008!

Goals to keep me busy with. :)

1) have my lazy tooth extracted.
-it sounds painful but I have to. Dentist's advice.

2) learn how to drive.
-and get a driver's license. I'm way over 18 anyway. haha

3) dance again.
-i regret that i gave up my love for dance when i entered college but
i want to do it again and lose weight on the sides. haha

4) fight for my scholarship key.
-i need a 3.7 this first sem of 2008 to get a key. I don't how I will do it
with 4 majors and a physics class but I will. I should.

5) quality time with family.
-i've been away for a year and i miss them. I've got a lot of catching
up to do. Hear, hear about the Manila trip, ma! hehe

6) take NMAT on december.
-this is the first step to enter medical school. And to get into the best
medical schools, at least an NMAT score of 90 percentile is required.

7) formulate a sensible and feasible thesis proposal.
-the horror of all horrors of college life, secondary to finding a job
atleast. I hope I'll make a good one 'coz a BPI-DOST award is waiting.

8) visit QC.
-It will be my 20th birthday present for myself: to visit QC on my own. And
be with jun and my closest friends for a few days. Hello, Puerto!

*May we all have a blessed 2008! :)

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